Thursday, June 13, 2013

Happy Father's Day...Mom?!

Last month was Mother’s Day.  The week prior to Mother’s Day….really WEEKS prior to Mother’s Day, I know of people who were planning spectacular surprises and buying meaningful and thoughtful gifts for their mothers. There were very few people that waited until the last minute…
Fast forward to the week (well days) before Father’s Day.  Card stores are still full of cards, stores still full of last minute gifts, whereas a few days before Mother’s Day shelves were almost empty and good luck trying to find something the day before!  I’ve even had to remind friends this weekend is Father’s Day weekend. Nobody had to be remind about Mother’s Day! What is it that makes Father’s Day less celebrated than Mother’s Day? As if that isn’t enough, some fathers are totally eliminated from the day as mothers are celebrated even on this day. Yep…they even have cards wishing mom a Happy Father’s Day!

I know of friends that are taking their moms out to dinner on this day as well. Every year there is a debate as to whether this is acceptable….should single mothers also be celebrated on Father’s Day? I’ll be honest…I’m not opposed to it. I even have single mom friends that I wish a Happy Father’s Day too. And if someone wishes me a Happy Father’s Day I gladly accept their well wish…not because I’m a father…but because I am a single mother that has to do it all. Especially as a single mom of twins who were in and out of the hospital their first years of life, I’ll take that accolade since it was me who was up late nights comforting, giving medicine, and scheduled breathing treatments or spending the night at the hospital in PICU while the other parent “checked in” from afar, not choosing to not drive the super long 3.5 hours at times to be at their side. As a matter of fact my first mother’s day with the twins was spent in the hospital with one twin in PICU and not even a Happy Mother’s Day wish from the “other parent”. I digress, but I take the Father’s Day wishes in stride because I know I’m really being recognized as an extraordinary mother :)

So what do you think? Should single moms also be recognized on Father’s Day? Why or Why not?

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